Monster Cable PowerCenter THS 5000 Power Conditioners
Monster Cable PowerCenter THS 5000 Power Conditioners
[Oct 24, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Convenience, Organization, Outlets, appearance
Doesn't do much for improving sound, has other minor problems (see review) Basically a $350 powerstrip that saves me from programming more macros into my universal remote. Was it worth it? I probably would have been just as happy with the HTS3500 with the smaller meter, no plugs on the front and one less stage of "filtering", so I would have to say "not really". Is it a cool product- sure. In fact, I bought an HTS2500 to go with my 5000, and at half the price, the only thing it is missing is the meter and a little of the flexibility. I also had a problem with it's so-called "filtering" on both my telephone and my terrestrial antenna. When I had a telephone hooked into the jacks, not only did my caller id not function, but I could clearly hear an AM radio station on my phone line. I never had these problems before I "filtered" my phone, and they went away when I unhooked it from the HTS5000. Also, with my terrestrial antenna, I suffered from ghosting when the path went through my monster power center. When I unhooked it, it was fine. Also, do not believe that this unit will get rid of ground loops. That is something you must track down yourself or use isolators. Now, on to the positives- It is an extremely convenient piece, allowing you to hook up 10(actually 12) components into one power strip. I also like the sequenced turn on, so your power amps are the last things on and the first things off so that you don't get "thumps". The remote feature is nice, so that when I turn on my receiver, the switched outlet on my receiver activates the power center and turns on all the other units. I also have my VCR plugged into the same outlet, so that it too was always on and I was not constantly having to reset the clock. It would have been nice if each outlet was programmable rather than in pairs, but no big deal. Last but not least, this unit looks good. With the blue backlit meter, it almost looks like a small power amplifier, and the LED's look sharp in the dark. Not a reason to buy it, but certainly a selling point. It is a great product for convenience sake, a good product for looks, and a fair product for filtering, and in fact poor for anything other than AC power. I would have to say that the HTS 3500 and HTS 2500 are much better values than the so-called "top-of-the-line", but I don't regret getting it, and I do use it every day. Similar Products Used: APC Smart-Ups 6000 |
[Jan 14, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Build, video improvement, versitility, soundstage improvement and surge protection.
The voltmeter has a tendency to buzz when the back lighting is on. Well, I finally purchased a line conditioner after much research. For the money I think you can't beat the HTS 5000 MKII. It is very well built, and the wealth of features is amazing for the price. I have a very high end two channel set-up and a modest HT set up. All of my gear is hooked up to the 5000. The most obvious improvement came from the video conditioners. I saw a very real improvement in picture clarity and contrast. The video was also much sharper. As for the two channel gear, I did hear an overall reduction in back ground noise, and the soundstage did in fact "open" up a bit; however, the improvement was more subtle than in the video. Similar Products Used: Tice, Panamax and Chang |
[Dec 02, 2001]
Mike Mattingly
Audio Enthusiast
Easy to set up, huge improvement in both sound and picture quality.
None that I can find. All I can say is that this unit did much more than expected. After hooking this into our system, both my wife and I were amazed at the difference. All the fuzziness on our 60 inch rear projector TV was gone, it makes the picture far more three dimensional. The satelite signal improved by 4%. The sound field is much broader. Similar Products Used: power strip |
[Nov 23, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
about the same as a power bar, surge supression
price, interference with Dolby Digital decoding, LOUD!, inaccurate voltage readout Having bought a new system I thought that a power condition sounded like a good idea since we do experience some line fluctuation. I also wanted some decent surge protection. Out of the box this unit looks great but Similar Products Used: Hubbell surge supressed receptacle |
[Dec 18, 2000]
T Lama
Have not done enough critical listening to other products to compare
power indicator WAY OFF. I took my system apart to sell my carver amp, and while waiting for the guy's check I decided to hook up the carver to my mains just to see what I could see… Similar Products Used: Rotel Line Conditioner, other Monster HTS products, and lots of self education on the importances/effects of power |
[May 17, 2000]
John Dooley
improved turn table via record hum due to 1930 wiring in my house
over price - over promoted - over rated I bought this unit because I could not get credit at my High End store (Digital ear in Tustin), but the Good Guys in Long Beach want my business. I was ranning out of wall plugs with my older Monster Cable multi outlet, and as I walked into the Good Guys I saw this unit on sale. I thought "I got rid of all my Monster Cable for Harmonic Tech wires and I am little sort on cash right now. I can buy the Good Guys best product of this type and charge it over 3 months." Humm... this sounded good at the time but I now have mixed feelings. As per instructions one should turn on there Pre-Amp and then the Amp, but when I did this my Aragon 8008BB Dual Mono 400 watt 4 ohm Amp turned off my Audio Research LS16 tubed Pre-Amp. I turn in the unit for exchange but I asked "Are you sure this is a good machine, maybe its only for low to mid end Audio products?" The second machine has worked O.K., my Aragon 8008BB Amp seems too power hungry for this Monster Cable product. I have notice very litte improvement, mostly improved my turntable via record hum. After reading the intro in the manuel, I got sick with the over rating with these strange looking 3 guys that the manuel was prasing. Monster Cable has lost touch with the real Audio High End world. I agree with Mark from Las Vegas, but will give this unit a 3 because the 2nd machine worked. Only buy this machine if you have only a low to mid range Audio system. |
[May 18, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Excellent filtering, build, switching, and connections
Retail price, HTS-2000 is possibly a better bang for the buck. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about this unit sucking the life out of some systems, or minimal improvement. |
[May 19, 2000]
Ken Florence
A couple of observations I must make as a Monster dealer, |
[Dec 18, 2000]
Felix Alonzo
Beautiful to look at,glow in the dark votage meter,improved a/v
None I basically got the 5000 and sold the 3500 only because the meter display was so much cooler looking. Other than that, the 5000 has an extra stage of filtering. There is a difference from pluging your system straight into an outlet rather than running it first into a conditioner. Video and audio runs cleaner. To some it may be just all in your head but to me I saw proof that this thing works when I plugged my tv straight into an outlet and got these nasty wavy lines. Than I used the Monster,no wavy lines! This is a must for your system if you are serious about letting your investment be surge protected and performance improved. Similar Products Used: HTS 3500 |
[Jun 05, 2000]
Terry Stanard
Audio Enthusiast
great video improvement
degraded my sound I was looking for a surge protector that would not hurt my system performance, and improve it if possible. I started with the top of the line hts 5000. It hurt my b&k avr 202 receiver performance terribly. The stereo image was degraded and many subtleties were lost. But, it really helped my video performance. Detail was improved, and contrast went up several notches. Similar Products Used: hts 2500 (like it much better - and half the price) |