Infinity Systems Reference 2000.6 Floorstanding Speakers
Infinity Systems Reference 2000.6 Floorstanding Speakers
[Oct 20, 1998]
Luhut Napitupulu
a Casual Listener
I have to say that these speakers have an excellent performance at its retail price. I bought it at around USD 460 in Jakarta, Indonesia, which is relatively cheap and not bad at all for this kind of speakers. Technically the design is attractive. The tweeter sounds great and not noisy. The bass is flat as it is designed for this category, but more than sufficient. Very good for music like classical music, country, and pop music at zero bass and treble. They are great for movies, especially if a subwoofer like REL QE 100 is added. They will become a powerful partner. |
[May 12, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
Just purchased these yesterday at $500/pair after listening to several Polk Audio's, Klipsch's, and Cerwin Vega's. i thought these were the best buy for the money. The highs and mids are great but it is lacking in the lows. Which was just fine for me since I spent some more money for a powered sub by Klipsch. These speakers are great for most kinds of music but not recommended if heavy bass is what you're looking for. you compliment this with a powered subwoofer then you can't go wrong. The sound field was just fine, perhaps it's the size if my room. |
[Feb 15, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
I have to concur with the recent reviews that these speakers lack something. Definition is weak, bass was kind of tinny. I auditioned these at the Wiz (which wanted $420 each!) and was vaguely impressed until I went into a high-end store and listened to B&W's and Mirage (the latter becoming my preference temporarily, until I listened to the speakers I currently own, Paradigm Monitor 7s.) While I realize that my Paradigms are not the most revealing speakers out there -- my kingdom for a pair of top of the line Magneplanar speakers -- to say that the Infinity is a good buy in the price range is ridiculous, even at $500 per pair. My Paradigms cost $525, and that wasn't even the greatest deal, and you can get the Mirage speakers I listened to, or something comparable from Energy, PSB, B&W and others of better quality in the $500-600 range. Save your money if you're thinking about buying Infinitys. |
[Jan 26, 1998]
Lynn Olan Little
an Audio Enthusiast
I love these speakers! I'm using them with Reference 2000.2 as surrounds, a Sunfire True Subwoofer Mk2, a Yamaha RX-V992 receiver and a center channel speaker. I set the crossover on my sub at about 40hz for music. Transparent is how I'd describe the sound quality. I'm hoping to get a good center soon. |
[Jan 27, 1998]
Jason Smith
an Audio Enthusiast
I owned a pair of these speakers for about 2 months before I got completely fed up with the lack of soundstage, base, and character. I had to sell them to keep my sanity. I ended up paying about twice as much, but was definitely worth it with a much better sound. |
[Jul 30, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Highs and mids
low bass I bought a pair of these from ebay and they sound great. They seem to sound better without the grills but thats just a personal preference. The highs and mids sound exeptionally clear, and the bass is lacking, but what do you expect from a speaker with 6.5 inch woofers. It can hit the low bass notes but they are just not very loud. Similar Products Used: polk audio |
[Feb 06, 2001]
Clarity, good detail and separation. Somewhat attractive - blach ash finish.
Reduced detail and 'smoothness' with lesser amplifiers. Could use better low-end, depending on what music is played and what amp is driving them. This speaker is superb for classical or jazz where detail is desired. I handles dance music OK, but let's face it, real dance tracks in the clubs have massive bass, so no home speaker can stand up with that regard. Similar Products Used: Energy and Polk |
[Jan 20, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
Very dissapointing. I have a sony STR-DE805 reciever and a Nakamichi CD. The bass is non-existant and the rest feels too airy, almost to the point of exessive echoing. At least they look cool! For the money, you are better off buying a good bookshelf speaker. I have yet to find a tower under 800 worth listening too. I am getting rid of these for the powerful, but not too accurate, SM 125. |
[Jan 25, 1998]
Scott Chilcote
an Audio Enthusiast
I bought the 2000.6 from Circuit City, but using low advertised prices from the Web, I was able to talk them down to $560 for a pair (and no shipping $$)! I've been building my own subwoofer for a few months now, and wanted a pair of loudspeakers with ruler-flat response from about 200 Hz on up. I think the Infinity Reference will provide this requirement very acceptably.I looked at similar models from Klipsch, Phase Tech, and Tannoy, and found them to be considerably more expensive without sounding very different. Of course, my ears are still "in training" so by all means do your own shopping. These speakers seem ideal for my kinds of music, which include Jazz, Alternative, Classical, and a smattering of "new age" performers. As others have said, for low-end response, add a subwoofer. |
[Feb 22, 1998]
Kenneth Lo
a Casual Listener
After I have auditioned this pair of speakers, I am not impressed as much as I read the advertisements. The sound is too weak & lack of power. The shape, size & price fit my criteria but not the sound quality. For the same price range, there are better choices. |