Vandersteen 5 Floorstanding Speakers
Vandersteen 5 Floorstanding Speakers
[May 05, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Great Value! Flexibility, Soundstaging, Harmonically Correct "Blackness"
If not set up right, could be the worst $9K you ever spent. The Gentlemen at Advanced Audio (Tacoma, WA) allowed me a chance to sit in the ribbon chair of their new setup; Linn CD (the $20K job), Ayre Amplification, Cardas Cables, and the Vandy 5's. . . I was fortunate enough to hear "The Vikings" from the 'Pomp&Pipes' CD on Ref. Recordings (as well as snippets of the rest of the disc). The sub-bass from the organ filled the room as a 32' pipe should. The other sounds also had equally harmonic correctness and definition. . . spectacular. Similar Products Used: B&W Nautilus 801 |