Samsung DVD-611 DVD Players
Samsung DVD-611 DVD Players
[Jul 23, 2000]
Great picture and sound, component and S-video outputs, simple remote, all the features you'd need and a great price.
Occasional skipping, but very minor. Remote can be a bit lazy at times. It's my first DVD player, and I haven't had a single major problem in these few months. It has skipped maybe two or three times, but they only last about 1/2 a second. The picture and sound quality is great, even without surround sound. For $170 (plus I got 5 free movies, a coupon book and a $10 Best Buy gift card) this is a great all around DVD player. I haven't had a single DVD that wouldn't work yet. |
[Nov 25, 2000]
Mark Allen
Audio Enthusiast
Price, price and price
ocassional skipping the 611 is currently the cheapest DVD available here (AUS$380). Had to exchange the first player after 2 weeks as it would only reliably play Silver DVD's (not Gold)- oddly enough. Probably 50% of disks played (both new and rented) skip once which I don't find over annoying, hopefully it won't get worse. Value for money seems good - but you get what you pay for Similar Products Used: none |
[Nov 25, 2000]
Ron Wolf
Good picture. Easy operation. Unit looks nice.
Pauses occasionally. I bought this unit for my mom for her birthday based on the Consumer Reports "Best Buy" rating. The picture and sound is great and the unit is simple to use. However, the picture pauses briefly from time to time. We returned the unit and tried another. It had the same problem. I'm going to return this one tomorrow and probably get either the Panasonic RV30 or the Pioneer DV-333. I wish I would have checked out these reviews before picking out the Samsung--would have saved me a couple of trips back and forth to Best Buy. Similar Products Used: Sony 5 disc DVD player. |
[Jan 31, 2001]
Dts decoder,mp3 capable,good picture when it isn't skipping
Skips and freezes up ,remote nightmare Should have called this model the "Skip-Suck".I owned this piece of Korean crap for a couple of weeks before I came to my senses and took it back. I thought I would save a couple of bucks on a player but I should have listened to my instincts.The player skipped on almost every brand new disc I played (14 of them).Now I would expect a skip once in a while on a rental disc but on a brand new disc?This player had me wondering why the hell did I disconnect my VCR.Now some people would say alittle skip is no big deal but I say what the hell are we upgrading to DVD for if we can't watch a movie without skips.I got the Panasonic RV30 in exchange and it has played all my movies including problematic ones(Matrix,Gladiator) without any skips.It also has a great cinema feature that lightens up the picture in movies with alot of darkness. I only paid $15 more for the Panasonic and it is worth it. You do get what you pay for.Now in some of these reviews for this player some people have not had any problems, which leads me to believe that it is the company's lack of quality control. Save yourself the headache,get a Panasonic or Sony/Toshiba instead. |
[Jan 31, 2001]
Dts decoder,mp3 capable,good picture when it isn't skipping
Skips and freezes up ,remote nightmare Should have called this model the "Skip-Suck".I owned this piece of Korean crap for a couple of weeks before I came to my senses and took it back. I thought I would save a couple of bucks on a player but I should have listened to my instincts.The player skipped on almost every brand new disc I played (14 of them).Now I would expect a skip once in a while on a rental disc but on a brand new disc?This player had me wondering why the hell did I disconnect my VCR.Now some people would say alittle skip is no big deal but I say what the hell are we upgrading to DVD for if we can't watch a movie without skips.I got the Panasonic RV30 in exchange and it has played all my movies including problematic ones(Matrix,Gladiator) without any skips.It also has a great cinema feature that lightens up the picture in movies with alot of darkness. I only paid $15 more for the Panasonic and it is worth it. You do get what you pay for.Now in some of these reviews for this player some people have not had any problems, which leads me to believe that it is the company's lack of quality control. Save yourself the headache,get a Panasonic or Sony/Toshiba instead. |
[Dec 21, 2000]
Casual Listener
Features and outputs
ERRRR GOSH 'EVERYTHING ELSE' SHOULD SUM IT RIGHT UP I GUESS Fýrstly IF after all these reviews you still decide to purchase this this this....... piece of technology then you deserve whats coming your way. Similar Products Used: TOASTER, VACUME CLEANER |
[Jul 23, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Nice picture when its not skipping but then again all dvd movies deliver a great picture
Has trouble with playing a lot of movies I sell this dvd player at sears and it is awful. I constantly hear complaints from customers saying that it is broke. However it is not broke it is just cheap. Most who buy it return it within a week and upgrade. I never get returns on the sony dvd players. Similar Products Used: Sony #1, JVC, Panasonic, Toshiba's |
[Jul 25, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Great picture, awesome sound, nice features.
I hope I don't jinx myself, but none found. I've owned and used this player on a regular basis since March 2000. Never have I noticed a defect, or for that matter, any skipping. |
[Oct 25, 2000]
Mick Barnard
Audio Enthusiast
My review below (August or thereabouts) was too kind. The 611 managed to skip more or less without fail on every single disc I put in it (it was just about OK with brand new discs, but unwatchable with any rental disc, no matter how carefully cleaned it had been). I didn't mind too much at first, but after a bit it became really irritating, so I took it in for a service. It came back a week later, the repair costing almost as much the player itself (apparently the pickup assembly was damaged and had to be replaced, along with a board). Imagine my surprise when it started jumping around again almost immediately. "Bugger this", I thought, and went out and purchased a Toshiba 1600, which has been great from day one, flawlessly playing the discs that the 611 would not. I wish I had bought it instead of the Samsung in August and saved myself the money and hassle. Live and learn.... |
[Jan 20, 2001]
Andre Yezhov
Audio Enthusiast
good design, easy to use remote, (believe me) lots of features, easy hook up
no shuttle (me being spoiled), load time This unit may not offer all of the features of the proscan or the Sony. However the investment price was much less. All of the features and picture quality neede are there for the novice user or for the enthusiasts bedroom. Ease of use is excellent with the average person able to operate the player right out of the box. Never had a disk skip. never had a regret. Great picture ( and belive me not all DVDs' produce quality images) along with virtual 3D enhancment for those of you with only to channels of audio to deal with. Similar Products Used: Proscan DVD |