Toshiba SD-4109X DVD Players
Toshiba SD-4109X DVD Players
[Nov 18, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
I started with the 3109, and was extremely pleased with its performance. Being another Toshiba player, I decided to upgrade to the 6 disc 4109. This would alleviate my need to have my 5 disc CD player as an additional component, and simply run CDs and DVDs all out of one unit. Once I received my new unit, I was extremely disappointed. Perhaps this unit was dropped on its head, but nonetheless, it played my Matrix DVD in only 3 of the 6 slots intermittantly, and simply froze once or twice. It played CDs out of those slots fine, but seemed to have a louder than average background noise...coming from the player(not the speakers). |
[Nov 23, 1999]
John Henderson
DVD player and a 6 disc CD player with HDCD
No shuffle on CD's I have a space problem and purchased this machine specifically for the 6 disc CD player. I was very disappointed to find out that it will not shuffle the CD's. Toshiba, shame on you. Similar Products Used: Pioneer 415 and Pioneer 525 |
[Dec 20, 1999]
Very good picture quality, above average CD audio on regular CD's, excellent CD audio on 24/96 DVD audio and HDCD encoded discs, impressive looks.
Can not play CD's randomly, disc drawer seems a bit noisy and awkward, and see below in my review I am glad I read the recent reviews on this model before going out and auditioning DVD players. Thanks to all of you for pointing out what to look for. As it turns out, I also encountered most of the complaints others reviewers stated on this product. Similar Products Used: Toshiba 3109, Sony S530D |
[Jul 23, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Internal 5.1 decoder, changer for CDs
Unreliable product. Also will not play MP3 downloads from PC. Like other owners that have given their stories, the optical unit needed to be replaced within one year. I got stuck paying $75 in labor for what I would have thought should be an extremely reliable piece of electronic equipment. The repair shop also upgraded the firmware during the repair visit. Toshiba refused to acknowledge any defect that may be inherent in a larger population of their DVD players. The repair shop in Chicago did an OK job with the repair, but couldn't or wouldn't help me deal with Toshiba. Now all I can do is communicate my experience with Toshiba to the public. And refuse to buy their laptops, HDTVs, digital cameras and any other piece of consumer electronics that they may want to unload upon me. Similar Products Used: None yet. |
[Jan 01, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
6 Disc capability, Zoom, Black Level Enhancement, Built in DD Decoder,
No Backlight on Remote and small buttons,No Shuffle I have had this player for about 2 weeks now and I'm fairly pleased so far, no problems playing Matrix, Heat, Enemy of State, Private Ryan, Thin Red Line. Similar Products Used: Pioneer DV-525 |
[Sep 12, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Basically, this is the same unit as the Onkyo DV-C600. Same remote, same chassis and probably much of what's inside. The HDCD decoding is specific to the Toshiba so it hangs in the living room while the Oinkyo does bedroom system duty. |
[Mar 18, 2001]
Michael Earl
Audio Enthusiast
great picture and sound
doesn't work now When working, great movies and sound. I started having the disk read problems in Nov 2000. Since then it has been in the shop (off and on) for 12 weeks. The Toshiba authorized repair center doesn't have a clue of what the problem is. The latest guess is an "intermittent laser pickup problem, if you see it again, bring it back". Obviously from the other reviews here, Toshiba doesn't know what is going on either. I very disappointed in lack of support from Toshiba. They have obviously put out an inferior product and are letting the customer pay for their mistake. |
[Jun 03, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
black levels...
Remote, Noise, Slow Loads, Freezes, Digital Effects, very plastic and cheaply put together. BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL! - The value you would expect at K-MART! |
[Apr 06, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
toshiba and onkyo This is a update to this pure crap of a machine. I do believe that some guy earlier on this review of this machine said to open it up and unplugg a harness and wait and plug it back in, it worked, and also when I hit where the laser unit is at, hitting it with a screw driver also made this pure crap machine work. |
[Apr 06, 2001]
Vincent Costanzo
Casual Listener
doesn't work I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner. To the guy that gave his player away, and then his friend payed over 300.00 to get it fixed: He got robbed. The problem is software related, not hardware related. The DVD manufacturers are using new technology in creating these DVD's. Toshiba knows about the problem, but refuses to put out a bulleton on their internet site. They told me there is a software upgrade available for about $50.00 bucks. I argued with them that they should at least quit playing 'coy' with its customers and just tell the truth about what the problem is(in other words, they asked me questions as if I don't know how to hook up a stupid DVD player correctly). Toshiba doesn't want to support their product. Everyone who comes to this board should holler that they know it is a software upgrade problem and ask why they don't Similar Products Used: N/A |