Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers

Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers 


Basic floor speakers

Possible Fraud Alert
A large number of users have reported these speakers are being sold well above their intrinsic value under false pretences in parking lots, flea markets and online auctions. See White Van Speaker Scam for more info.


Showing 101-110 of 376  
[May 27, 2002]


They're loud.


Badly constructed, lack any sort of clarity, depth, warmth or direction soundwise.

So I'd just like to counter some of these recent fake reviews as to the supposed high-quality nature of these crappy speakers. I have been approached twice by the scammers, both times in London, and have almost been tempted to buy a pair... But I'm glad I didn't because recently I lived with someone who had fallen for the scam and bought a pair. In England they're badged as "Acoustic Reference" or "Acoustic Design" or "Dynalab" etc etc... Do a search on this site for "Acoustic Design" to be convinced its a scam. So whatever my flatmates were called, they were definitely part of the same scam- he told me how he'd got a great bargain by buying these "high-end" speakers off the back of a white van... he was really pleased to have got them for half the "£1600 RRP"... ie. he'd spent £800(!) on them. He had a "specs sheet" with the price on it too... Well, you'd have to be a bit blind and deaf to think they were worth anything more than £50. They had a really tacky gold plastic sticker badge on the front that was peeling off. The connections on the back were some sort of cheap metal screw fittings (although there were two per speaker, so I guess it was bi-wiring of sorts). The cones looked like paper coated with some sort of plastic. The front baffles were coming away slightly, as were the backs. Soundwise, they belted out a lot of bass, but the sound was pretty fluffy, not much definition at all. The mids were loose, the top end was overly bright and lacking clarity. Playing rock and guitar-based music loud from a crappy old record deck they didn't sound that bad... But hi-fi? Not a chance!

Similar Products Used:

Kef, Mission, Bose, studio monitors etc.

[May 24, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast


Strong bass, big sound! Quality cabinet.


Maybe a little tinny on the high-end. It could be my amp.

Hello all! I have admit I have never a part of a scam before! I just brought these Acoustic Image 6.5s home and have been listening to them for going on 3 hours now. Everything from Elvis Costello, Soul Coughing, and Readiohead to Verdi and Bach. The speakers are holding up nicely. I was walking out of Walgreens and there it was, the infamous white van. I did not know about all of this scam stuff until I got home and started surfing around trying to find a website to give me a "real" idea of how much these speakers are really worth. Well no website and according to alot of folks on this reveiw board not much love out there either. I have to admit I fell for it, but I was looking for a deal and it walked right up to me and bit me in the ass! I do not have a new, expensive amp. I am using an 80 Watt Onkyo that I bought in 1989. I have been dealing with second rate speakers for quite some time and I think that I have got some quality for sound now. It is only day one, but I am impressed so far. I paid $300 and I think I got a deal. It came out of a van for christs sake! I guess if I have any problems I know where to get the addresses to hopefully get my money back. For now these Acoustic Image speakers rock!

Similar Products Used:

Polk, Infinity, Bose

[May 24, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast


dont know, probably "plays loud"


cheap parts (at this price that is inevitable)

I have never heard these speakers, SO i am not NOT going to bash them, however. I have been a high end audio enthusiast for some time now. And i would like to point out to all the people who are considering buying these speakers (out of curiousity) that the positive reviews on this board are CRAP! I KNOW, A WHOLE LOT about speakers, what makes certain speakers sound better/different than others, and i also know the "lingo" of high end audio speakers. AND in all of the positive reviews i have read here (which i have not read all, but i have read 20+) i have not seen an educated statement reguarding quality sound. The most common statement that i see from people who like them is with reguards to how loud they will play. (A) All speakers require break in right out of the box, IT is impossible for a speaker to sound natural, open, dynamic etc, without breakin. so all the people who quote unquote said that they had the salemen come to their house to "test them out" are full of crap about quality sound. THAT is why virtually all high end retailers have an extended home trail period. (B) i used to work at circuit city (several years ago) and the main trick which we used to sell speakers is to play most of the speakers at a certain level, then the speakers which we wanted to sell, at a louder level. normal people 99% of the time truly think that the speaker playing louder is the better speaker, but they dont know why. All these reviews from people saying "these speakers will crank" are from people who blasted them out (before break in) and the only reason why they thought they sounded good is because they arent used to listening to their other speakers at high spl ratings, so they naturally assume that "HEY HEY THIS IS A GREAT SPEAKER." Now like i said, i have never heard these speakers, but i have had one encounter with one of these salesmen chaps, and it was right outside of my circuit city. i invited him in for a comparison between his speakers and a pair of 200 dollar poineers, and he declined. maybe he had something more important to do, maybe he had something to hide. in closing, i would just like to make everyone reading this post aware, that QUALITY parts are not cheap. There is a huge market in the sub $400 speaker market at circuit our mark up was at the lowest 35% and upwards 60%)point is, there's not much money left over to buy quality parts.

Similar Products Used:

paradigm, b&w, aliante, norh, dynaudio, jm reynaud, aci, circuit city crap

[May 23, 2002]
Casual Listener




IT'S A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!

To all review readers of these scam product, I bought a pair of speakers that that saleman claim to be over $1100 FROM A WHITE VAN. It sound terrible. I think those who write good review for this speaker are scamer themselves.

[May 14, 2002]
stuart paulino
Audio Enthusiast






Similar Products Used:

boss sony infiniti

[May 12, 2002]
Dan Friedrichs
Casual Listener

Just wanted to thank Pierre Dubois for saving me a trip to Lombard, IL. I would also like to know how to get a refund if anyone can help.

[May 10, 2002]
Robby Thompson
Audio Enthusiast


I could of easily smashed the two pencil neck geeks in the pavement.


I didn''t

Scammed by Fuc**ing losers.

Similar Products Used:


[Apr 30, 2002]
Veronica Lanute


covers 2500 sq.ft., these are comercial-made for clubs, sports bars, etc., front and back titanium tweeters/bi-polar.


absolutely none for what they''re used for

First of all, the lastest year to choose was 2001, but actually I have 2002, in ebony ash. Got them for nothin'' - I worked for soundivision in CT and actually rode ''n sold in those darn duck slammin'' white vans. I quit a while ago for my reasons, but I was good at what I did. To get one thing straight-most of our speakers are good-quality, and if you get these 6.1''s for, say, $4-5 hundred, that''s less than 1/2 retail value ($1169)-even though they aren''t worth that. They are designed for high quality, dolby digital systems. If hooked up the correct way, (and using monster speaker cables), I couldn''t be happier with a huge surround sound system that I got for practically nothing! TO BE USED-place each in back 2 corners of room on floor(preferably hard, or place on small sheet of linolium) 4-5 in. from walls, DO NOT PIGGY BACK! hook up to reciever that''s at least a 7.1 output for better sound and power

Similar Products Used:

i haven''t found a similar product yet. But as for non-commercial goes, bose and kenwoods are great for consumers

[Apr 28, 2002]


They''re good for what they''re worth



Hmmmm! I bought these through the usual tactics. I happen to be a salesman for Bose so when the guys in the van approached me, I asked them to go to my house and we can compare them to my Bose speakers. They agreed. I was kind of surprised. When we got to my house, they were impressed with the sound of Bose and it looked like they have never heard it before. I personally however, don''t like the sound of Bose. I have them obviously because I can get them much cheaper then the normal consumers. I don''t like Bose because they produce an unrealistic sound through careful sound engineering and eliminating the raspy mid range to make the sound smoother and full. I''m a musician also and most musician prefer the music to be close to what the original recording was intended to be. After hooking up the Acoustic Image, I like the punchy sound tht it has. The lows are not as impressive but they''re not meant to be. The sub took care of that. Mr. Ken Watson who wrote the review below mine seems to think that the van guys are selling these fraudulantly. I agree with him HOWEVER, if he thinks that he will get a better deal going to a retail store, then he is more naive that he realized. I love selling for Bose because I make the most commission on them over other brands in my retail store. The slick advertising gives me the edge to claim these outrageous prices when I sell them. They''re not alone either. Other high-end speakers also have the same high mark-up. The consumers however, are happy when they buy these because people buy high-end products for the image mostly. So Mr. Ken Watson, I have news for you. You didn''t get taken by the van guys perhaps, but you will surely pay much more when you go in my store, and then you will thank me too because I am legitimate. Life is ironic don''t you think? In case you''re wondering why I''m supporting the van guys. I love anyone who can sell, and judging by this site, 239 reviews means 23,183 people actually bought these speakers since only about 3% of the consumers actually use the internet. So Mr. Ken Watson, if you think the sales guys need to post the reviews to help their sales, you are very misinformed.

Similar Products Used:

Bose for the tactics that we use are the same but we''re legit...I love this country!!!

[Apr 28, 2002]
Ken Watson


They sure can cry about losing business!!


If I only had a calculator...

Wow! It''s about time AudioReview acknowledges these speakers are as cheap as chewed bubble gum, and fraudulantly sold! Don''t be so mad (talking to the 5 star rating White Van Salesm.. err.. I mean reviewers). It looks pathetic and desparate if you are trying to convince the public that these speakers are actually worth purchasing! I mean... cmon... look at 99% of these reviews.. they don''t exactly say... hey... buy these awesome speakers because they are GREAT! Man.. all I have to say is.. I bet you this site must generate GREAT business... better luck next time.. because this site belongs to the consumers... and on this site... your public image only gets worse as time goes on... and there''s NOTHING you can do about it... so start finding some other lies to make up when selling these "AWESOME" speakers. It doesn''t matter anyway because when people type "Acoustic Image 6.5" in Google... this is the number one review board that comes up. Cheers!

Similar Products Used:

My toilet, and uh.... do used paper clips count?

Showing 101-110 of 376  

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