Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
[Feb 13, 2002]
Blue Lotus
Audio Enthusiast
Everything hundreds of others have said about the speakers is true. I was foolish enough to buy these on the street. I did get my money back though - thanks to some very useful information by James. The new address for Chicago Sundivision is - 144 Eisenhower Lane North, Lombard. They have moved from the Springer drive location. Everything else James says in his posts is true. Just follow his advice, go to the above address and demand youe money back. You will get it. |
[Feb 12, 2002]
Steve Krisch
-- You know, I''m reading these reviews, and it seems like 75% of you didn''t even open the friggen box, now I understand you''re pissed that you got tricked into thinking you were buying stolen speakers. However, Why the hell are you buying speakers you think are stolen? Second, those of you who actually used them for what the white van men tell you to use them for all agree that they''re nice stuff. Futhermore, where on this planet do you get ANYTHING at manufacturing cost? Get real people, get over the fact you compromised your morals(or at least thought you were) and enjoy the set of speakers you just bought. Similar Products Used: -- |
[Feb 10, 2002]
Mike M
Casual Listener
Teaching you a life long lesson.
These are not speakers, these are sad excuses for crap. NO GOOD PIECES OF JUNK!! One word.. SCAM!!! One more word... FRAUD!!! If garbage had a name, it would be Acoustic Image 6.5. I should''ve smashed the hell out of these speakers with my hammer, but plugging them in pretty much did the same thing. These speakers are CRAP!!! The driver sales people are CRAP!!! This scam is CRAP!!! Similar Products Used: Crap, socks, and an old hair brush. |
[Feb 04, 2002]
no no
Casual Listener
the speakers They are horrible, if you want to return them but need someone to get at and you live in Maryland check out ( Similar Products Used: tin can |
[Feb 02, 2002]
Casual Listener
none that ive heard of
to many i stopped off to get a drink at a gas station and off to the side i hear hey man wanna buy some speakers i shoulda known better but to make a long story short i bought 6 of these for 200 dollars he assured me they were $800 speakers and that id have a receipt and if i had a problem i could get it fixed blah blah blue blue, but i bought into it. i paid eric and thade the $200 and off they went. i came home and look these things up without even hookin them up. this is all the proof that i need to not hook them up and just try to get my money back some how. if you know of a way that id be able to please tell me. i probably should of done what my brother did and took the guys lisence information, but hey everyone makes mistakes. some just more stupid than others. |
[Feb 01, 2002]
Casual Listener
offers a feeling of strength when you smash, it breaks easy and shatters with easy. My kids loved it!!
sound has a terrible time finding its way out of unit. Dookie make and style, Cheap plastic housing. Flat sound. Excellent for smashing for the sake of smashing. Similar Products Used: tupperware, beer can, |
[Feb 01, 2002]
Casual Listener
offers a feeling of strength when you smash, it breaks easy and shatters with easy. My kids loved it!!
sound has a terrible time finding its way out of unit. Dookie make and style, Cheap plastic housing. Flat sound. Excellent for smashing for the sake of smashing. Similar Products Used: tupperware, beer can, |
[Jan 30, 2002]
Mike M.
Casual Listener
they look nice, kind of
dont sound that good, nearly worlthless, sleazy salesmen I too got duped by getting caught in the moment and hoping for a great deal. the damn salesman just seemed so excited that even though I expected some sort of illegal doings, I pushed those ideas away because I was greedy. The speakers they sold me were Audiofile brand, and since I really know nothing about speakers, it soundd like a legit company. Now I'm stuck with some crappy speakers that I dont want at all (why did I buy them? I have absolutely no need for speakers whatsover!) |
[Jan 30, 2002]
Bill Koneski
Audio Enthusiast
As I was walking out of the Best Buy in King of Prussia, PA, two guys selling speakers out of a white van offered me a better deal. Perhaps I was being gullible, but I purchased a pair of Acoustic Image 6.5 Minitower speakers from them. The $300 I shelled out seemed reasonable for "$1200 speakers" (which they assured me they were). Now I find out that they're crap, and I want my money back! |
[Jan 29, 2002]
Nicholas Bower
Audio Enthusiast
Sounds half decent actually. The Highs and mids are very good. THe lows are quite poor.
Doesn't bring the nice tight bass that most other name brands deliver. The bass goes more towards the mid levels than true lows. I fell for the white van scam. Sounded like the deal of a lifetime! AFter putting them next to my Bose 301's however, I realized these are more like $100 or $200 dollar speakers tops!! My bose retailed for $320 and you can get em used on ebay for $200. If you want something comparable, but more complete sound with long lasting quality the bose. Similar Products Used: Similar to my bose 301's, but just not equal. |