Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
[Jan 24, 2000]
ACOUSTIC IMAGE SPEAKERS ARE A FRAUD! STAY AWAY! WARNING!!! Similar Products Used: Energy, NHT, Klipsch, Infinity, Paradigm. They are all infinitely better than Acoustic Image. In fact, any speaker you grab out of a dumpster will sound as good as these...maybe better. |
[Feb 14, 2000]
All Mankind
DOES NOT EXIST!!!! IT'S A FRAUD!!!! DON'T BUY IT!!! This is most definitely a scam!!! I bought one a little less than a year ago. They were high pressure sales from a white van. DON'T FALL FOR THE SCAM!!! ANYBODY SELLING PRODUCTS FROM THE BACK OF A VAN IN A PARKING LOT IS NOT A REPUTABLE BUSINESSMAN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Someone said they witnessed this happening, well I had it happen to me! Please don't fall for it. The speakers are good, but sh!t I can't even find the company that made them, let alone figure out how to get in contact with the seller. Anyway, just stay away from those scams. The speakers were not worth what I paid for them. They advertised them falsely and made them sound like they are the best available. They aren't terrible, but they are not worth what I paid. Similar Products Used: NO SUCH PRODUCT |
[Feb 15, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
After tweeks, not bad
Gotta tweak em Yes these are dreaded 'White van speakers'. But the good thing if you have purchased them is they are salvagable cheaply. Here is what I did. I took them all apart. Each (4) driver is just held in by 4 screws. Two mid woofers and two tweeters. Go to Radio Shack and get a two-way crossovers and screw it into the wall of the speaker just below the back tweeter, not the titanium one. Wire the mid woofers in parallel not in series. Cross them over at 2500 hz. Take the titanium tweeter and wire that one up at 2500hz and above. I didn't hook the back one up, it sucked. I braced the cabinet with dowel rods and stuffed with batting. These are really nice sounding if done that way. For cheap these can be brought up to respectability. I put these up against Bose 301's and they smoked them if thats saying anything. E-mail me if anybody has any questions. Doug Similar Products Used: Lots |
[Oct 09, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
perfectly decent sounding - nice highs - clear enough
cheesy logo - moderate bass Of course I searched eBAY immediately after purchasing these speakers (Acoustic Imgae 600SL tower). Nothing. At that point I knew something was amiss. These 2 guys had the same story as the other reviews - extras loaded into their Blazer by 'idiots at the warehouse'. Illinois plates. Convincing with seemingly real PO and laminated employee tags. But to my surprise they are perfectly decent speakers, they look fine, they sound fine. Now granted I am not a crazy audio buff, but I have a pair of Bose 4.2 and had a pair of Bose 901s, and do know a fair amount about good vs. bad sound. These Acoustic Image speakers are fine for general use and work great with the TV etc.....Yes I guess I got 'scammed' too, but as someone else wrote in their review -- it was more of a hustle because they do work and they sound pretty good. I would have been happier had I paid $150 or less though. Similar Products Used: Bose 4.2 - B&W - Boston Acoustics |
[Aug 31, 2000]
Highs excel (although front highs are better quality than rear)
Need to make sure that they are wired properly. The story to follow. The problems is, that the moron that is making these speakers, is not being consistent. My brother in law bought a pair after I did because he was some what impressed. How ever, his pair sucked. Mine are working Fine. Similar Products Used: Martin Logan |
[Jul 25, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Thanks to this page I beat the scam. I made the white van guys hook the speakers up and they sounded awful. Then I checked the internet and found this site in one click. Man, am I glad the internet exists!! |
[Aug 21, 2001]
Casual Listener
It looks nice
I was tricked. I really dont care that I along with all the other poor schmucks on this site were scammed. I havent been able to hook up the speakers to even try them out yet. Obviously the men in the white men saw me coming from a mile away. Does anyone know if there is any special wires i need to hook these up to my stereo? Thanks please email me at |
[Dec 23, 2000]
James Ward
Casual Listener
This is quite strange. The same scam has been tried on me about 10 times around England (in several places throughout London but also in Manchester). I'm not sure what brand they said the speakers were but it's the exact same deal (white van pulls up, guy says he's meant to be delivering speakers to someone but has got an extra set, already signed for and is willing to sell it for a bargain price). I've never bought them (mainly because I figured it was some kind of scam but also I don't need/want any speakers. |
[Mar 08, 2001]
Casual Listener
Not too bad speakers. Nice tweeter, solid bass, not much distortion
Slightly tinny in the midrange Yep, the white van made it down under. Must have good mileage on it. The speakers they sold me seems to be OK. I played a few different styles of CD and a DVD on it, all cames through with no discernable abnormalities. Pushed the volume and it didn't distort. Bass seems to be quite strong but not to the same extent as a subwoofer. Midrange seems to be a bit tinny but could be the fact that we've got slate floors. Similar Products Used: Bose, Sherwood |
[Mar 19, 2001]
Nishant Bhatt
Audio Enthusiast
Sad to admit it, but these are fantastic speakers. They have pretty good highs, decent lows, and the mids are the gem. The "titanium" tweeter is holding its own and really does fill our basement [which is very large] with great sound. These speakers are fantastic for large rooms.
They sound horrible in smaller rooms. If a 27 inch television is too big for your room, then they're too bad for your room. THEY COME FROM THE BACK OF A VAN. OK, so you have probably read that you shouldn't buy these speakers and that they're evil. I don't know; I kind of regret not purchasing reputable speakers from Hi-Fi Buys or something. Truth of the matter is that they sound great for left and right channel usage. The bass module provided very nice bass until it blew and I had to replace it with a Marantz sub, but the amp sounds good! Similar Products Used: Sony, Kenwood other $200 speakers [$400 pair] |