Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
[Dec 26, 2001]
jeff haley
The produst has tweeters made from titatium which gives incredible highs. I am very impressed. It also has bi-amplification, allowing me to amplify my Highs and lows separately. The five sided cabinet and reflective tweeter really help the highs to carry throughout the room.
The lows don't pound, they are a little flat, but my sub makes up for that. I was hustled. Some nutty guys in a white van got me. I can't believe I dropped $400 dollars thatt fast, but I am glad I did. they are a great set of speakers to add to my surround sound system. The kids said the retailed for over $1200 bucks. I know they hustled me, but I still feel like I got a good deal. Similar Products Used: boss 901, 701, infinity, klfs |
[Dec 26, 2001]
jeff haley
The produst has tweeters made from titatium which gives incredible highs. I am very impressed. It also has bi-amplification, allowing me to amplify my Highs and lows separately. The five sided cabinet and reflective tweeter really help the highs to carry throughout the room.
The lows don't pound, they are a little flat, but my sub makes up for that. I was hustled. Some nutty guys in a white van got me. I can't believe I dropped $400 dollars thatt fast, but I am glad I did. they are a great set of speakers to add to my surround sound system. The kids said the retailed for over $1200 bucks. I know they hustled me, but I still feel like I got a good deal. Similar Products Used: boss 901, 701, infinity, klfs |
[Jan 16, 2002]
Matt Krone
Audio Enthusiast
The speakers There are way to many people that this has happened to. I dont know if anyone lives in the Baltimore Area but I am going to march my a*s down to the stores and pitch a large bi*ch. Sooner or later they will tire of listening to me. I am the stupid one for falling for it but maybe there is something to be done. Anyone want to march down there email me at Similar Products Used: 1986 cassette walkman |
[Nov 27, 2001]
David C
Audio Enthusiast
Look puuuurty
Sound, COnnections, etc. I got jacked. Watch out boys! Similar Products Used: Bose |
[Dec 18, 2001]
Audio Expert
Audio Enthusiast
There are many!!!!!!!!!!
Of course there are some weeknesses.But there fewer and fewer Ok I am one of those that think you get what you pay for and, why are you purchasing out of a truck and, then you call the ones selling high School drop outs. It sounds to me like some of you may not have enough sense to make an educated decision and, then turn it around on the person out working very hard to make a living. If you were so smart, why did you purchase this equipment out of truck? Oh I know why because you were greedy and some of you seem to think the product is stolen that would mean to me you are a person with little or no Integrity, I say this because if you got scammed by someone telling you that they got them free well then someone, somewhere is losing but that dont seem to bother you (Scumbags)Refering mainley to the so called gentlemen that left the last four or so bad reviews. Similar Products Used: There must be hundreds |
[Dec 25, 2000]
Sad Customer
Casual Listener
Black Case
No Bass One guy pulled up in Blue Astro Van asked if I wanted to buy Acoustic Pro Series 600 for $175.00 each. I said screw off! So he showed me they where worth $849 each. Similar Products Used: Kmart, Wal-mart, valuCity, BigLots, Flea Market, Dollar Store Brands |
[Dec 25, 2000]
Sad Customer
Casual Listener
Black Case
No Bass One guy pulled up in Blue Astro Van asked if I wanted to buy Acoustic Pro Series 600 for $175.00 each. I said screw off! So he showed me they where worth $849 each. Similar Products Used: Kmart, Wal-mart, valuCity, BigLots, Flea Market, Dollar Store Brands |
[Dec 06, 2000]
Casual Listener
sucker for a buyer
sucker for a buyer Add my name to the list. Two young guys in a white van in Philly pull up to me as I'm walking around downtown. Selling so-called Acoustic Image Tsunami home theatre speakers. They had answers to every question. Took them to my home, set the thing up. The woofer was not impressive, but with the satellite speakers they sounded pretty good. What do I know, though? |
[Dec 04, 2000]
Casual Listener
Im stupid I also guess I got scamed by the white van guy in Wisconsin.He said His company gave him to many to install in a club and was selling them because nobody new he had them. He had a white chevy van with Illinois plates. It was in kenosha county on hwy 50. The speakers actually sound pretty good. Even better with the subwoofer I already had. These are acoustic 600 pro series. If anyone knows anymore about these guys let me know. I have never been scammed before and cant believe I was this time. Im very sharp about these things and just cant believe I did this. Boy that pisses me off. |
[Dec 04, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Crystal clear
I'm not sure yet The white van pulled up to me at Best Buy and I went for it. I set them up before I read this forum, and I have to say that I like the sound. They're crystal clear, can handle power and put out some decent bass. I was gonna walk when they asked for more dough, after all, they did "have them left over". Plus I had a good time playing hardball with some punks. Why would you pay more for something that the seller didn't even pay for and had to get rid of? Whatever. Despite what most other people have written here, I'm satisfied with the sound and price. Similar Products Used: Other speakers through the years. |