Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
[Nov 22, 2000]
Bill Thompson
Casual Listener
"Thought it was a deal"
I've obviously been had!! Two white guys, early 20s, in a white van pull into a parking lot (in suburban Philadelphia) where I was waiting. Story about having these speakers loaded in their truck accidentally. They put on a helluvan act (i.e.-all excited, heart thumping, etc.) Didn't have enough to cover the cost of the home theater system in cash, so Joe said "We'll go into this store. You can buy me something with your credit card to cover the difference." I swallowed the whole deal- hook, line,and sinker. Now, feel like a total ass. Similar Products Used: None |
[Nov 16, 2000]
Max Siegal
Audio Enthusiast
the salesmen that sold it to me
me after I realized i was scamed they suck....They make sound, but it aint that good Similar Products Used: this is the first time i've been swindled |
[Nov 17, 2000]
Casual Listener
haven't tried them
I'm sure there are plenty About 2 hours ago, I was washing my car late at night. A white van pulled up and 2 guys got out. Said they had a van load of speakers that were mistakenly put on the truck. This is killing me that it is exactly like what everybody else experienced. The guy who did all of the talking was good. Had all of the papers that everyone else here described. Even had T-shirts with "Acoustic Image" printed on them. He told me how good the speakers were, showed me the $1200 laminated sheet, explained the warranty. Even gave me a receipt! I have seen so many scams and hussles that I can't believed that I fell for this. It certainly helped them that I am not an audiophile. I have a nice 6 speaker setup, but am certainly not an expert. Looks like these will be someone's christmas gift. |
[Oct 23, 2000]
fernando vina
Casual Listener
suck i got scammed saw some guy in downtown manhattan buying the junk.trying to fit it in a small car and i thought wow what a deal poor guy had a big smile in his face this was on sunday the 22 of oct.i said to myself if he can fit it into his little jetta i can fit all yhe boxes in my metro.thanks alot for the great idea. now ifeel even dummer than that guy looked. |
[Oct 14, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
snow job
price paid The young punk can really talk his ass off. Sorry to say I kind of felt sorry for him, so I gave him and his partner in crime 300 bucks. Scammed, always go with your gut instinct that if you've never of a product before, it's probably worth crap! At least they look decent enough. Buyer beware! Similar Products Used: Radio Shack |
[Sep 29, 2000]
Gulli Bull
Casual Listener
dunno I bought from the mysterious "White Van". They're Acoustic Lab Technology, Pro 600 studio monitors. They guys had about 6 or 8 of them in the back of their van, all in unopened boxes. Similar Products Used: none |
[Aug 18, 2000]
Mike X
Casual Listener
Not sur, haven't really heard them yey
same Definately a lesson learned after reading some of the other reviews. Similar Products Used: same |
[Jul 12, 2000]
Casual Listener
Nice packaging?
Method of sales/marketing I hate to admit this, but I was scammed with these $1200 speakers. I was flagged down while driving by the dreaded "White Van" and told how these guys had an overage from a shipment that they were allowed to keep (or else their boss would keep them), and that they just wanted some beer money to go to a "girly-bar". In retrospect, I hate to admit my stupidity, but these guys were smooth and well rehearsed. I'm sure they've sold plenty of these. Similar Products Used: Emerson, Craig, Audivox, K-Mart, get the picture? |
[Jun 01, 2000]
Casual Listener
I bought a set of these for $100 bucks, After I bought em, figuring they were hot, I found this site before I hooked 'em up. I felt dumb thinking they would suck, but I've gotten some good trunk sellin stuff in the past, so I risked it. |
[Jan 19, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Crystal Clear sound reproduction. Would be perfect for any enthusiasts's home theater. Projects sound all over the room, sound much bigger than they are.
None that I can hear. Bought from a shady dude, paid 4300 (not sure of real value, does anyone know?) I was skeptical at first. Took them home a blasted them as front speakers. Very impressive, expecially with a subwoofer to fill out the low ends. They are crystal clear, you can hear the slighest details of sound. Perfect for bookshelf, or home theater (if you have a sub). I am using them as surround and they are perfect, maybe a little under used. |