Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
Acoustic Image 6.5 Floorstanding Speakers
[Oct 30, 2000]
John Orlando
Casual Listener
n/a just wanted to say i also got hit with this scan in new jersey, on october 30th, (year 2000) white van, 3 people inside, a guy named 'aubrey chamberlain' did all the talking.. they had an invoice and everything.. same story as you guys.. with a laminated spec on the speakers that lists them for $1200 a pair.. i was skeptical, but eventually fell hook line and sinker for this.. and man am i pissed.. i've also been told that i cant go to the cops on this cause they can arrest me *too*.. such a shame.. isnt there anything that can be done? Similar Products Used: n/a |
[Jan 23, 2001]
Sucker FaGoodNews
Casual Listener
Can't Say -- Haven't Hooked them up yet ...
I'm sure there a many, but I don't know yet. Read the review of previous suckers... Don't know what kind of spin to put on this for my wife ... Lesson learned: If it looks to good to be true, it is! Similar Products Used: Don't really know ... |
[Aug 29, 2001]
John Sokolowski
Casual Listener
White Van Acoustic Image speaker scam
only average Anyone who was had by the cute girls in the white van in the Sterling, VA area, drop me an e-mail/ Similar Products Used: Bose fan! |
[Sep 20, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Don't know yet
Don't know yet I just bought a pair of the Acoustic Image 6.5 mini tower speakers. The White van was a red truck this time. |
[Jul 21, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Okay, here it goes. Another scammer venting his frustration and trying to get rid of the terrible ill feeling this incident has left me with. |
[Jan 16, 2001]
Ding Dong
Casual Listener
they actually weigh something
they probably suck once I hook them up. i wasn't going to buy them until I thought, well I can go to Atlantic city and spend my money there gambling, or I can actually gamble here and maybe get lucky. only gambled because I was actually looking to get new speakers. |
[May 16, 2001]
Casual Listener
have not hook up yet
so i do not know Ok, here comes another sucker. Similar Products Used: actually no |
[May 14, 2001]
bob cook
Good Wood, Smell Fresh
White Van The White Van Scam |
[Feb 20, 2001]
Casual Listener
Sounds good to me. Maybe a little distorted at first, but they're hooked up to an old system
Still waiting I bought these off the street. The guy said that they were paid for & he was getting rid of them. I talked him down from 400 to 300 & boy, he was a good salesman. The cuties that he had with him didn't hurt either. I was checking to see if I got ripped off pricewise when I found this site. I'm glad that they still work - so far - but I'll keep my fingers crossed and vow to never again buy out the back of a van or Mitsubishi Truck! |
[May 10, 2001]
Joe Shmoe
Casual Listener
You recieve that lovely feeling in your gut when you realized you just got "f"ed.
nuff said just wanted my name to the list. they work, but it definately feels awful to be taken in such an ellaborate scam. peace. |