Klipsch KLF 20 Floorstanding Speakers

Klipsch KLF 20 Floorstanding Speakers 


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[Jul 10, 1999]
Christopher Knox
an Audiophile

The most amazing thing, for me at least, is the glaring contradiction that we all have overlooked something. I have gone through the tedious and soul crushing event of reading each and every one of the reviews on this particular model, partly because I own a pair, and partly because I wanted to compare my view to the others here. I wanted to see if my opinions were felt by all. They seem to be.
Aside from the opinion of someone in this review section, who needs to be held down while his frontal lobes are scraped with a trough like a demented clockwork-orange droogy, we all seem to agree, even using the same descriptive terminology. These speakers are simply a taste of caviar that we normally shouldn't be able to afford.

The cotradiction is this: We seem to be forgetting that this wonderful speakers are in fact MASS PRODUCED! How in the hell can a speaker that is constructed in groups of hundreds sound so lush and full, with only the slightest of brightness, like a whisper of silk, beckoning and subtle? How is that?

I have owned, and still own, speakers made by Fried (pronounced Freed, for the uninitiated), Vienna Acoustics, Martin and Logan, and M and K. and these are all hand made, one at the time. The Klipsch used to be assembled this way, but that time has since long gone the way of the democratic party. considering this, don't you find the flavor that these speakers emmit is nothing short of "stinging"?

Now, for the Jensen idiot who sounds about 12 and has never owned anything that costs more than his mother and father would allow, I want you to listen...

No store --NONE!-- that are scattered across these fruited plains, has a pair of Jensen speakers and a pair of Klipsch at the same store. I defy you to name the store that had both of these speakers under the same roof, as you state. And while you are looking for that store, try understanding something else: What in the hell would a DJ know about great music and sound. This is not to defunk the industry, but it should be painfully obvious that any room filled with that many people is not going to have great sound, it is going to have loud sound, bouncing from person to person. You merely made this comment to get the desired response that you indeed got. Now, if you don't mind, get off of daddy's PC and leave the real music to the people in this forum who's opinion matters.

If you had given them a bad rating compared to Polk. or Infinity, I might have believed that you at least took the time to compare, and of course it isn't your fault that you couldn't tell the difference between the KLF 20's or the 30's. Any moron who stood in a store and turned the switch back and fourth would have seen that the 20's are a much better speaker. I suggest you hook up your father's PC speakers and see if you can tell the difference between those and your Jensens. I seriously doubt it.

The Klipsch KLF 20's are an unbelievable speaker for the money, and the consideration that they are indeed mass produced. No, they are not the best of them, but then again, no one knows to this day what the best one is.

If you would like to further discuss this matter, drop me a line. Felony@darientel.net
I would love to listen to other speaker comparisons that you have made. Perhaps the 65,000.00 Infinity reference one's and say, the 220.00 KLH magnum? Surely the KLH's are by far superior. How about the Atlantic Technology system 450 THX and the Bose baby cubes? No wait, let me guess . . .


[Jun 27, 1999]
an Audiophile

Dont be fooled. These speakers might not be sold in a High-End audio store where Krell and B&W are sold, you will probably find these speakers at stores like the Wiz in New York or maybe a department store in the audio section. But these speakers are as good and even better than those high priced speakers that are sold in special audio stores. Bass is explosive and Mids are great. The highs are extended and clean, maybe a bit bright but that can be adjusted at home. They are very well built and look like monsters. I did not buy them because I have a small living room so a took Paradigm Studio 80' which are also excelent speakers. The Klipsch are FULL range speakers, no Sub needed and can play very loud and clean when hooked to good Amps. I believe you can get a pair for around 1200$ or maybe less. I would be very happy owning these speakers.

[Jul 08, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

I have had my KLF 20's for about a month now, and am as pleased as I could be with them. For me, the question, "Does it SOUND like it did when it was recorded?" has to be answered affirmatively. In this case, the word is simply, "Yes!!!" Using a sub does augment the deep bottom end, but not having one wouldn't make me hate these wonderful speakers. I paid $1200 for my pair, and feel that I got every cent's worth. I also use a KLF C7 and KSP S6's to complete the setup in a 10+' X 14+' room. Yes, more than ample sound.

[Aug 04, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

My brother just bought a pair about a month ago. We hooked it up to a Yamaha RXV-992, Toshiba 2109 DVD player and blasted away. The were amazed at some of the details which we never heard before. The bass was tight and accurate. We got it for $1030/pr.
If you are in the market for a great pair of speaker in this price range. Save yourself some time and audition these first.

[Jul 28, 1999]
Wes Johnson
an Audio Enthusiast

These really rock! I am stunned at the imaging, the depth, the clarity and the low-end. I really am very pleased with this purchase and I completly recommend Uncle Stereo in NY for purchase. Check them out on the web, unclestereo.com. I listen to mostly good heavy rock and watch plenty of DVD's. The KLF 20's are breath taking.

[Sep 13, 1999]
james cousins ww
an Audiophile

to every one that has never heard klipsch speakers you are missing the boat. i have been in sales for seven years at ultimate elec that is are number selling speaker.IF you ever get to you better listen great speaker for home audio our just cds ................

[Nov 03, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast

After reading all of the rave reviews that the klf-20's were getting I decided to give them a listen.I used to work at a high end dealer which sells klipsch and helped a salesman unbox a new set.What I heard however was disappointing.Myself and all the others at the store have never been big klipsch fans(although I did like the old cornwalls and fortes).The klf-20's reminded me a lot of the old chorus' and lascalla's(very p.a. sounding,thin bass,screaming mids,etc.)Myself and the others were however pleasently surprised by the new RF-3's.At $800 retail they sound very nice and personally a lot better than the more expensive klf-20's.

[Nov 13, 1999]
Casual Listener


Efficiency, very dynamic....effortless


a little bright

Got these about 9 months ago to start a home theater system and have since re-discovered audio and old vinyl. Can't beat them for the price!! Sure, they may be a little bright, but they do well in my fairly dead room with wall-to-wall carpeting and upholstered furniture.

[Nov 21, 1999]
Steven Fox
Audio Enthusiast


Enormous soundstage, very tight bass, good mids and highs


My friend hated them because he thought the soundstage was unreasonably wide and just too damn huge. In short, even though I loved the huge, wide soundstage, my friend didn't because he didn't think it was realistic.

Mr friend and I spent two weekends doing blind A/B
comparisons between three sets of speakers to determine which set I should buy. The speakers were the Paradigm
Monitor 9 - $750/pair Klipsch KLF 20 - $1500/ pair
and JBL L7 - at J&R music world for $1100/ pair.
Preamp was an Adcom. Power amp was an Acurus A250.
Basically, I rank these 3 sets of speakers 1.Klipsch
a very close 2nd JBL 3. Paradigm.
I did not like the Paradigm for one simple reason-
very narrow soundstage. Both me and my friend took turns being blindfolded so we had no idea which speaker we were
listening to. With the Paradigm, it seemed as if all the instruments were clustered within 5 feet to the left and 5 feet to the right of me. Plus, it sounded like I was about
200 yards away from the "stage" if you will - I envisioned that I was at a concert and the stage was in front of me.
I did not like the Paradigm for this reason. The Klipsch, on the other hand, was AWESOME! It sounded maybe like I was
about 50 feet from the stage- definitely an upfront, in your face speaker which I love!! Also the soundstage was absolutely gargantuan- it seemed like instruments were
coming from 100 feet to the left and 100 feet to the right of me. I loved this huge soundstage, my friend hated
it. Lastly, the bass was so much tighter with the Klipsch
it was scary. For tightness JBL = 4 Paradigm = 2
Klipsch = 5 (Klipsch is #1 in this category).
To say I liked the Klipsch is an understatement - I LOVED
this speaker. With the JBL, it sounded like I was maybe
80 feet from the stage, so not as close as the Klipsch, but MUCH closer than the Paradigm. Also, the JBL was in the middle when it came to width of soundstage - it sounded like
instruments were coming from maybe 40 feet to the left and 40 feet to the right of me. Bass, again, was REALLY tight
with the JBL, much tighter than the Paradigm but not as
tight as with the Klipsch. The one area where the JBL L7
reall shined was with voices. You Klipsch fans out there
are not going to like this, but for midrange, voices and
guitar, The JBL was the best, Klipsch #2, Paradigm #3.
Anyway, with all 3 speakers, we used a Paradigm PW 2500 powered sub to play 80 HZ and below. This sub is
INCREDIBLE!!! I kid you not, it is -3 db to 16 HZ! It can play at UNGODLY levels - at 40 % volume I was praying to
my Lord Christ in heaven that my house would not collapse
because everything was shaking and rumbling. We used the
Paradigm sub's line level input to cross over each pair
of speakers at 18 db/octave at 80 HZ. We then let the PW
2500 sub handle 80 HZ and below. Folks, I am hear to tell
you that for those people out there that say that with the
Klipsch KLF 20's, you don't need a sub, they are DEAD WRONG!! The KLF 20's are -3 db at 33 HZ. This is not good
enough! The Paradigm sub goes down to -3 db at 16 HZ!!!
Not only that, but it was ridiculously noticeable by both
me and my friend that when we used the sub, in the case of
all 3 sets of speakers, it CLEANED UP THE MIDRANGE TREMENOUSLY!!! Voices were smoother, instruments more clear, everything sounded about 75 % better!! This just
makes perfect sense, especially with the Klipsch. The
KLF 20 's 10 inch drivers are crossed over very high-
750 HZ. Therefeore, without a sub, the dual 10's on the KLF 20's must not only play the midrange at 300-750 Hz or so,
but also the really deep bass - ie 33 to 60 HZ. This is not
optimal as it muddies up the midrange tremendously. When we
switched in the sub with the KLF 20's, both my friend and
I had a huge smile on our faces- everything sounded again
about 75% better! If anyone out there insists that you
don't need a sub with the KLF 20's, they can kiss my rear
end!! My friend and I spent 2 ENTIRE weekends, and let me tell you Jack, a great sub like the Paradigm PW 2500 will
make the Klipsch's go from a really good speaker to one of
the all time great speakers ever manufactured - I'm not
kidding! Anyway my ranking again - Klipsch #1
JBL a close #2 Paradigm #3 - I hated the Paradigm.
My friend saw it differently He ranked them
Paradigm #1 JBL L7 #2 Klipsch #3 - again, he thought
the soundstage on the klipsch was just way too big and he
did not like the upfront, in your face sound that I absolutely loved!!! So there you have it. Two different
people saw things TOTALLY DIFFERENTLY!!!! I guess
this just goes to show you that audio equipment is absolutely very subjective, different people hear things differently, and if any audio salesmen ever laughs at you
for having an opinion that is different from his, tell him
to GO TO HELL and leave the store - take your business elsewhere!!! If anyone would like to discuss speakers or
audio equipment with me, I would be glad to. My email
is medsskf@ttuhsc.edu my phone # is 806 795-8286
- Steven Fox

Similar Products Used:

Paradigm Monitor 9, JBL L7

[Nov 21, 1999]
John W.
Audio Enthusiast


Very accurate, highly detailed sound reproduction.



These are among the best speakers I have ever heard. They have a very natural, open sound with nearly a perfect balance of high, low, & midrange reproduction. The sound dispersion is excellent due to the horn design and dual rear ports. They are bi-wired using Michael Green Design solid core speaker wire which adds to the sound clarity. Everyone that listens to this setup has remarked that they have never heard music that sounds as clear as this (w/ Acurus preamp & amp).
As for value, I purchased them at Tweeter etc. for the incredible price of $800 a pair. I am completly satisfied with these speakers & plan on keeping them for a long time.

Similar Products Used:

Klipsch KG 5.2's

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